Frequent headaches, worn teeth, or broken teeth can be caused by many things, but one of the most common culprits is teeth grinding, clinically referred to as “bruxism.” Many people don’t realize they grind their teeth as it often happens while they are sleeping, but it can also occur throughout the day. Dentists like Prairieville, LA dentist Dr. Gray A. Bailey of Absolute Quality Care Family Dentistry can easily identify teeth grinding and help you with ways to stop it and its side effects.
Why Do I Grind My Teeth?
Tooth grinding and jaw clenching often indicate a problem with your bite – the alignment of your teeth when you close your mouth. People who grind or clench their teeth often have uneven bites, arrangements known as underbites or overbites.
Teeth grinding is commonly seen in individuals under stress, whether from your own personal environmental factors or stress created in the mouth and jaw from a dental problem. When teeth, jaw, and intricate system of muscles in the mouth and neck aren’t working properly, it creates tension, which can lead to headaches, facial pain, and teeth grinding.
Signs of Teeth Grinding
Dentists can usually easily identify signs of teeth grinding, such as:
- Worn or dull teeth, especially chips or flat spots
- Sensitive teeth
- Jaw pain
- Frequent headaches
- Cuts or sores on the inside cheek
How to Stop Teeth Grinding
A lot of advice for preventing teeth grinding centers around reducing your stress levels, which may help you stop grinding your teeth, but if that stress is inside the mouth and out of your control, you’ll need to find other ways to treat the problem. Often, stress reduction and occlusal appliances are combined to treat bruxism.
There are a few different options available in the form of occlusal appliances. You may be familiar with night guards, which are a type of occlusal appliance. These plastic devices are custom-fitted to each patient’s mouth and fit over the top or bottom teeth to stop nighttime teeth grinding.
For more severe cases, your dentist may recommend mandibular advancement devices, which are designed to pull the jaw forward when the dentist suspects a sleep disorder is causing the grinding problem. These devices are often referred to as “snore guards,” which help align the jaw during sleep to help with sleep apnea or snoring.
Bruxism Treatment in Prairieville, LA
Teeth grinding can damage teeth and cause discomfort or even pain, so it’s important to seek treatment if you believe you may be grinding your teeth. Dr. Bailey’s team at Absolute Quality Care Family Dentistry is a full-service dental office that can help you put an end to bruxism and keep your teeth and mouth healthy and strong. Contact us online or call 225.452.4666 to schedule a consultation today!